God’s Acre - Historic Watchung Burial Grounds
4:04 Ruben Runyon
25:28 Abigail Smalley (Jennings)
26:24 Jacob Smalley
27:36 Tabitha Smalley (Moore)
28:26 Simeon Mirax
29:15 William L. Mirax
30:06 Martha Wilson
30:33 Lewis Wilson
30:57 Zachariah Wilson
31:25 Mary C. Demler (nee )
32:06 Mary Demler (nee )
33:11 Mary Demler
33:47 David Demler
34:25 Lewis Willet
35:03 Rhoda O’ Conner
35:45 Maryann O’ Connor
36:21 David Stewart
37:27 Samuel Stewart
37:48 William D. Stewart
38:17 Ann Stewart (Tingley)
38:48 Rachel Stewart (Doty)
39:58 Henry Doty
41:01 George Demler (Unmarked Grave Site #1) – Owner of Demler’s Hotel
41:33 Valentine Goodman (Unmarked Grave Site #2)
42:10 Gerhard Oltmann (Unmarked Grave Site #3)
42:28 Rachel O’Connor (Unmarked Grave Site #4)
Jacob Smalley (81)
Died 1836
Abigal Smalley (Jennings) (66)
Died 1811
Mary Demler (1 yr. 9 days)
Died 1859
George Demier (Unmarked Grave Site #1) – Owner of Demler’s Hotel
Died 1854
Samuel Stewart (23)
Died 1809
Tabitha Smalley (Moore) (41)
Died 1803
Lewis James Wilson (26)
Died 1836
James Smalley (70)
Died 1812
Ann Stewart (81)
Died 1840
Ruben Runyon(Son of Phobe Rynion)
Died [1825
Simeon Marey (46)
Died 1889 Civil War
Martha Wilson (28)
Died 1836
Zacharah Wilson (23)
Died 1853
James Stewart (75)
Died 1868
Rhoda O. Conner
Died 1868
W.L. Muray Civil War N.J. Infantry
N.J. Infantry
David Demier
Died 1849
David Stewart (77)
Died 1836
Henry Doty (30)
Died 1797
Mary Demier
Simeon Mirax
William L. Mirax
George Demler (Unmarked Grave Site #1) – Owner of Demler’s Hotel
Valentine Goodman (Unmarked Grave Site #2)
Gerhard Oltmann (Unmarked Grave Site #3)
Rachel O’Connor (Unmarked Grave Site #4)
Web site by Matthew King has more details on each of the inhabitants.
God's Acre Burial Ground video filmed Jun 28, 2021 at the Texier House and presentation given by the Boy Scouts Troup 32.
This video celebrates the story of Watchung's historical graveyard and its inhabitants. The footage showcased in this video is from the May 5th, 2019 ceremony that took place in Watchung Borough Hall. It brings to life the tireless research of local resident Matthew King and other volunteers work.
These grave inhabitants are discussed on the video at timestamp indicated.
Ruben Runyon … 4:04
25:28 Abigail Smalley (Jennings)
Jacob Smalley … 26:24
Tabitha Smalley (Moore) … 27:36
28:26 Simeon Mirax
29:15 William L. Mirax
30:06 Martha Wilson
30:33 Lewis Wilson
30:57 Zachariah Wilson
31:25 Mary C. Demler (nee )
32:06 Mary Demler (nee )
33:11 Mary Demler
33:47 David Demler
34:25 Lewis Willet
35:03 Rhoda O’ Conner
35:45 Maryann O’ Connor
36:21 David Stewart
37:27 Samuel Stewart
37:48 William D. Stewart
38:17 Ann Stewart (Tingley)
38:48 Rachel Stewart (Doty)
39:58 Henry Doty
41:01 George Demler (Unmarked Grave Site #1) – Owner of Demler’s Hotel
41:33 Valentine Goodman (Unmarked Grave Site #2)
42:10 Gerhard Oltmann (Unmarked Grave Site #3)
42:28 Rachel O’Connor (Unmarked Grave Site #4)