Fred Greves, Jr.
US Army 1950-1956
Jason Moberly
US Coast Guard 1994-2005
Dave Miller US Navy 1980-1986
Rev J Ronald Miller National Guard 1956-1982
Tony Santo
Navy 1941-1945
Virginia Procino Hartmann
US Air Force 1974-1998
William H. Titus
US Army 1953-1954
Frank Berlin
US Army 1954-1956
Don Scotti US Army 1961-1963
John Sette *USMC 1938-1947
Christopher J Tafaro*USMC 2001-2009
Henry Long
US Air Force 1943-1945
Memorial Day Ceremony in May
The Mayor and Council hold a Memorial Day Ceremony each May at 9:30 AM in front of the War Memorial at the Texier House located at 10 Mountain Boulevard.
The event is typically held outdoors rain or shine.
All are invited to attend.
Anthony F. Addario US Army 1955-1957
Mayor 1992-2002
Richard Holsten
US Army 2008-2014
Matthew Celeste
US Army
Bob Meyer Navy 1953-1956
Watchung Celebrates "Hometown Heroes"
The Borough launched its first “Hometown Hero” Banner Project on Memorial Day, Monday, May 30th, 2022. The program began the tradition of honoring those Veterans and Service Members (living and deceased) as well as Active Military and those who either lived in, currently reside or work for the Borough of Watchung.
This program will continue to help celebrate both Memorial Day and Veterans Day for years to come; each year adding more brave Hero’s from past to present.
The banners will be two sided and will be placed along both sides of Somerset Street on the lamp posts. A map of Somerset Street with the names and lamp post numbers will be created and placed on the borough’s website for all.
We encourage all to support our Heroes’ and Watchung’s “Hometown Hero Project” with an online donation of $125.00.
Checks can also be made payable to: The Borough of Watchung and in the memo please write: “Hometown Hero”. Mail to: The Borough of Watchung, 15 Mountain Blvd., Watchung, NJ, 07069.
Veterans and Service Members are not required to donate and all donations will be earmarked for this project.
All Veterans, Service Members or representatives NEED TO FILL OUT AND APPROVE THE FORM IN ORDER TO BE REPRESENTED.
Applications received will be included in the next holiday celebration
If you have any questions or need assistance with signing-up, please reach out to: Dámaris Quiñones-Gray at 908-756-0080 ext.: 211 or at
Jude Escano
US Army 2003-2012
Daniel Germaine
US Navy 1949-1952
Ron Celeste
US Army 1984-1991
David Chalker
US Navy 1973-1977
Michael Bahadourian US Army 2014 2019
Alfred R. Price*USMC 1943-1945
Frank Procino
US Coast Guard 1961-1965
Frederick Graboyes
US Army 1980-1990
Donald Germaine
US Navy 1975-1978
Sage K. Kaneshige*USMC 2011-2019
Andrew Pero *US Coast Guard 2004-2008
Phil Pennino
US Army 1967-1969
Leland Wolford
US Air Force 1954-198-
Joseph Tomas USMC 2000-2005
Edward Williams US Army 1966-1968
William Wellbrock US Army 1990-1992