Texier House, Home of Watchung History
Texier House was built in about 1893 by glove maker Hippolyte Texier. He owned the mill nearby.
In 1963 it was the home of the Watchung Police Department, and then in 1991, borough administration offices. Finally in 2010 the Watchung Historical committee began converting it into a museum to showcase Watchung's past for present and future generations. Oct 5 , 2013 was the grand opening.
BAGGS Texier Glove Corp Building from the collection of Mary Texier-Walsh
Are they “Laurel and Hardy?” Wrong! They are Fred Braggs and Hip Texier (Baggs-Texier) clowning for the camera.
Special to The New York TIMES.
WATCHUNG, N. J. Aug. 2 —Hippolyte Texier, retired glove manufacturer died last night in his home on Mountain Boulevard at the age of 99.
Born in St. Junien, France, he had lived here for more than sixty years. He came to this country when a young pan and after learning glove-making established his business at 365 Canal Street, New York.
Mr. Texier served in the French Army in the Franco-Prussian War and was decorated for bravery. After the war he returned here and resumed his business.
John Hippolyte Texier
Born Feb 18th 1890 Died March 11th 1897
at 449 Canal St. N.Y.C.